Volunteer Contacts
York Education at Home is run by a great team of members who volunteer their time to make YEAH a reality. These volunteers are homeschool parents just like you. If you have questions about a specific area of YEAH, we ask that you email the volunteer leader responsible for that area.
Board of Directors: The YEAH Board of Directors meet monthly. Additional details about their roll can be found in our organizations Bylaws and Guidelines.
President Elisabeth and Eric emailyeahsc@gmail.com
Secretary Karen and Nathan yeahsecretary@gmail.com .
Treasurer Lindsay yeahtreasurer@gmail.com
Event Team Coordinator Karen and Elisabeth (see above)
Volunteer Coordinator Cheryl yeahvolunteerserve@gmail.com
Member at Large yeahboardatlarge@gmail.com
Membership Coordinator/Google Groups Moderator
Amy, yeahmembershipcoordinator@gmail.com
Lori, yeahbookkeeper@gmail.com
Co-op coordinators
Ashley and Jennifer, yeahcooperative@gmail.com
Dad’s Night Out Coordinator
Eric and Nathan
Facebook Moderators
Board of Directors & Membership Coordinator (see above contact info)
Field Trip Coordinator
(open position as of January 1)
Hospitality Coordinator
(open position)
Mom’s Night Out Coordinator
(open position)
Presidential Volunteer Service Award Coordinator
Sarah K.
Student Council Coordinator
Amy and Cheryl, yeahstuco@gmail.com
Tyler and Ashley, yeahcooperative@gmail.com
Yearbook Coordinator
Sarah K., yeahyearbookteam@gmail.com